Thursday, July 13, 2006

July and August is to be a busy time.

As the summer moves on so does the plans that God has for me. We am getting to go a family reunion the last weekend of July. We will be meeting over 5 generations of family . I am really looking forward to see the Way God has worked through out it and be able to be a witness about His Grace and Mercy. They are all from my mothers side of the family and has been traced to the 18 th century so there is lots to learn about them.

The one thing I want to be able to share is That not matter what you past is like that all is forgiven and God love is there for the asking.

I already know some of who will be there and plan on taking lots of photos. It will interesting to see how many of look like the other. I know there is going to be over 100 family member's and we have hotels booked all around the area. Family is coming from all over the U.S. I will be posting lots of photos when I get back from it

Then the following weekend I am heading off for 3 days to a women's Christian Retreat in Ocean shores that is going to be wonderful. I have been on the committee that has been planning it. The theme of the retreat is The treasure God has given us and how to find them. One of the things we are doing is a treasure hunt so it should be fun.

I Love going to the retreat each as I always make new bonds with the women that go. Our church is a new but growing one and we have so many new women this year. We have a great speaker and also take some real time For Worship and for prayer. It has always turned to a time of being able to let down you walls and truly share what is in the heart and what the spirit need to fed.

And of course not to mention the food! There is going to be lots of it! I am cooking the Saturday lunch. Which is a Bake potato and salad bar.

Please keep me in your prayers as I get ready to do what ever it is that God wants of me for both the weekends!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my prayers Carolyn. Both events sound like a time of love, growth, felowshipping, and learning.

I look forward to seeing your pics. of the events!:-)



1:21 PM  

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