Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Learning to be Thankful for the little Blessings

One of the things I have been learning lately is to be Thankful for all the little Blessings that are around us. When I sit at the dinner table and listen to my Grandson who is two say he wants to say the prayer for dinner it makes my heart melt. I knew that he is hearing us and his sister do it but I never knew how young they can take things in and let you know just how they feel.

My Grandson was really instance that he was going to do the dinner prayer so we went ahead and let him. Boy were we surprised at how much he was being Thankful for. First he said Thank You Jesus for the food then he went on to say it for his family for his Sissy and Pandy his rabbit and being with Grandma and Grandpa. So much from someone so little makes you look around and see all the things and little people that we have in our lives to be Thankful for.

He is really getting in music with his sister who is 4 and they go around the house singing there favorite song and they both know all the words to it. It is " Lord Prepare Me ". They love it when I have my worship music on. They ask me to play my guitar and sing to them I do but I have to say my voice is not to heard by anyone but God and them as they all heart with the heart and not there ears because if they really heard what I was like I think my guitar would end up at the bottom of our swimming pool. I am just learning how to play and my voice is even far worse than my playing. But it comes from my heart and that is what matters to God.

There Mother the other day said to me "Mom do all kids think there mothers are great singers when they are young" I asked why and she because I thought yours was like music as kid and now where's the ear plugs.

She can very forward at times but what can I say I raised her that way. To say what you feel. Sometimes I think she takes it just a bit more than she should.

Things I am Thankful are My Salvation and the Salvation of my dear hubby and my kids and that I am able to see my Grandkids grow up knowing who God is and that Jesus died for them.

I am Thankful that I live in a free country where I can post this without worry of being jailed. For being able to worship My God freely and lift His name before all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A child's prayer is a precious gem. And so is the freedom to express our love for our God.

Very sweet post Caroline.


4:22 AM  
Blogger Vicki said...

Thanks, Caroline, for visiting Christian Women Online recently and for your comments at Healthy & Whole. I appreciated hearing from you. God bless you and encourage your heart today.

2:14 PM  
Blogger eph2810 said...

Oh, what a wonderful thing to have your grandkids pray like that. And you know what the great thing about it is: the mean it, because it comes truly from their heart and not from the head...Oh, I hope you know what I mean :)...Thank you for sharing your thoughts on thankfulness. :)

4:30 PM  

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