Sunday, March 25, 2007

Another weekend come and almost Gone

Well here it is Sunday late afternoon and it seems like it went by in a blink of an eye. The way times seem to move so fast can really get a person thinking. When I feel it is going by this fast it makes me think of all of the things still left undone. I am not talking about household chores or books to read or even bills left to be paid.

What goes across my mind it the things I have still have undone for the Lord and what He shown me that he wants me to do. There are times where I feel Yes Lord ! I know but do I have to right now. When you look all around you and see what is going on in the world and all the people that have yet come to know how loving and forgiving GOD is I know the answer to that question. Yes NOW! Remember I want you to prepare a place for me and my return and I will be returning at any moment so Always be on guard and have an open heart and ear to my will and what to do and as soon as I ask you to do it before it is to late.

I am began to see and know and feel deep in my soul that now is the time to be in Prayer and Worship for our families , friends, government, and world. For we are heading for a battle and now is the time to prepare for it.

Well! I guess that just said the area that GOD is speaking to in my life. I have to confess I have not been the strongest reader of his word or the most dedicated but I have always been open to his love and felt he love the people of the world. He has such a caring heart.

I heard something said by a Guest speaker at my Church and it has really got me thinking on things. He talked about the gifts of the spirit and the way we are open to hear from God and How a Pastor he went hear at a revival. The man talked hearing from God and Getting into his presence. He told of a time where he was allowed to ask God one question and get an answer. And the question was. Lord why is it that you let your people suffer in the world and all the ones that have turned their back on you seem to have everything going good in their lives. The Reply was one that well always affect me deeply.

His answers You see I am a loving God and I know that my people may suffer some here on earth for a short time and then have eternal peace with me in Heaven. And Because I am a loving God I want to show my love to those who deny me. Because that is only for a short as they Will never have Eternal peace and suffering instead.

After hearing that I have been Thanking God for All I have been going through my time here on earth no matter if it is Bad or Good. For I know it is only for a short time and I will be able to be with Him forever.



Blogger Michael said...

Awesome post sweetheart. You are so much more eloquent than I.

4:34 PM  

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