Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dentist Update

Well I finly got out of the dentist office 4 1/2 hours later. I thought it was never going to end. I ended up with one of those modern dentist that has everything new and up to date in his office.

And it was becuse of that I had such a long visit. I ended up with them having to do some drilling to clean out what was left of the old filling and then having a root canal done then to top that off!
The dentist had the maching needed right there to make growns so I had to go through all the things that go with filling butting on a crown all in one sitting.

I am one that does not numb well so He kept having to give me shots so I could not feel it. I know I talk alot but to have to hold my mouth open with out a break for almost the whole time was even a bit much for me!

At least he did send me home some pain meds for a few days. But I do have admit that at the moment I have not been having much pain.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think most dentist have now everything at their places :)...I am glad that he gave you pain medication, just in case.

I really have to go to the dentist next month and have my teeth cleaned. I finally have insurance again, so I don't have to pay everything out of my own pocket :)...

Blessings on your day and always.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Glad you finally went to the dentist dear, see, I ain't just a pretty face!

Any longer and the infection might have been worse.

And it is still Wednesday btw.

10:19 PM  

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