Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Granddaughter to arrive very soon.

I just got a phone call letting us know that our new granddaughter Emma Raven will be making her way in to world very soon. The doctor said our daughter in law is almost 3 centimeters. And that it will be anytime.

I can hardly wait to get to hold Emma. Her name is after my great great grandmother. LOL! they chose it with out even knowing it. But my son was delighted since he adored my Dad and it it is his great grand mothers name.

Well life around here will be even more busy once Emma arrives.

October is a busy month for us as we have lot of birthdays that month. we have them on the 3rd, 8th, 21st, 24th. We are having our granddaughters 5th birthday party here and I was informed by her that pin the tail on the donkey is for babies. She wants bobbing for apples and a pinata

Then we are throwing one for our daughter as well. We have decided to make it a kiddie party for her. We are going to have silly string, a potato race and pin the tail on the donkey. I am looking at cook books of new treats I can try. I got all kinds of decorations all over the place for both party's

I know this is not much of a post but I am working one that will hold your interest I hope.

Have a Blessed Day All



Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Boy what a time I have had the last week or so. I am trying to get my eBay business started and with all there is to learn it has been really crazy. I never knew how much you had to get to set things up.

I have been spending a lot of time in stores like Office Depot and Staples getting my supply's for shipping and for storage of the stuff . Not to mention all the book keeping and such that I need to learn for it. I must be driving poor Mik mad!

My Week is going to keep being busy as I have still have a lot of shopping I need to do. I still need a few small things and a larger trash can for my desk.

I have to say Mik has been a real support to me and keeps telling me I can do it. I just think he likes the cokes I buy him with he tags along since I do not keep any in the house.

I just got Mik a new cell phone and he is sitting behind me making all kinds of mummers trying to work out how to use it. LOL!! I wish you all could hear what he sounds like with his accent the way I do. He sounds so cute.

I sure hope you all have had a good week so far. Take some to to slow down, I know I had to remind myself to do it and not let Mik get lost in the middle of it.

Now to change the subject, Next topic everyone's favorite, food! I am doing a lot more home cooking and my next adventure is going to be for me to try and make my own yogurt since that is a large part of my diet. Most of my diet is soft foods and very lean meats. I am always looking for new recipes that I can easily tolerate. All my veggies and fruits have to be cooked, canned or frozen I am not allowed any fresh ones. So if anyone has some ideas they will be welcomed greatly.

I also spend some of my day cutting out coupon's for the grocery shopping and researching which stores are having the best deal for the week.

Well it is getting late and Mik does have to be up early in the morning so I should be getting his lunch made and ready for bed.

You all have a great week



Sunday, September 07, 2008

My Other Blog is down for a bit

Mik was doing some work and both of our other blogs were crashed so I am going to be using this one until I can get a new one started up for me.

I am now off working for awhile since I recently had a small stroke. To be honest I really do not mind it at all. I like being a housewife and have Mik come home to me keeping the clean and dinner cooked and fixing myself up for him. I have always like the idea of an old fashion wife. I am the type that likes to be a homemaker doing such things as cooking, baking and sewing.

I am working on a few craft things for me right now. One is a box to hold coupons and the other is a scrap book full of ways for me to stay healthy and how to take care of myself as a diabetic.

Yahoo I also get to play full time Grandma which I will really love. I will tell stories here all about my grand kids and do photos of them .

Well that is enough posting from me tonight as I think I am coming down with a cold and feeling a bit tired.

Everyone have Blessed night and I will be here again soon to post.



Thursday, September 04, 2008

Long time since I have been to my own Blog

Well Hello,

Says ,My Blog to me! LOL!! It is has been a long time since I have checked into here and Guess it is to for me to start writing again. I am bouncing off some things in my brain on what to write. I will do my first post tomorrow as I am going to write one later.

I hope to see my readers soon as it has been a long time

