Saturday, April 07, 2007

Empty Nest

First I want to say Happy Easter Everyone!

This Easter is going to be a hard one for me. I just found out that none of my children or grandchildren are going to be able to be around for it. It is the first year that I have had to go with out them. So I am feeling the empty nest and feeling a bit blue.

Then it started me thinking about how God must feel every time one of us decide to leave home and try to make it on our own. I know how sad and hurt I felt when I got the phone calls that everyone are busy doing other things. I can really relate with the way God must feel each time one of us are to busy doing other things to take the time to commune with Him. I have to be one of the first to ask his forgiveness for this and Make sure That I make the time to let Him know that he comes first in my life and that I am going to work on slowing down and start taking the time to listen to Him.

I know that it will really take some work. Putting Him first over many things. I can very easily slip into my own world and just tune the world out. My first instinct for me to do was stay in bed on Sunday and not even go to church. Wow was Satan working overtime placing that thought. Of all Days tomorrow is the one that I need to be in God House!

Being thankful that I even have my kids and grand kids and my the rest of my family. That I have a husband that works and has a great job, a home, friends and most of ALL that JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FREELY. For me and that God me me so much to give not me but all the is willing to ask the forgiveness for their sins and for Jesus to come into their heart.

I Praise God for His Forgiveness and that I was able to have that chance at real future and not just a temporary one here on earth.



Blogger Michael said...

Have I told you I love you lately?

12:46 PM  

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