The Dilemmas Of Being A Grandparent
When you are a parent things can be hard enough, but being a grandparent can really tug at the heart strings and make you toss all sensibility out the window! I baby sit two of my grandchildren so my daughter and her husband can work and she does pay me but it is only enough to cover the cost of what the kids eat. I have them anywhere from 6 to 12 hours a day and most of the time for 3 meals a day 4 to 6 days a week. Well Here is my dilemma First and main is that by me doing that I am losing what a grandparent is and becoming a babysitter. After having them so much I get tired and I am unable to play the Grandma fun roll of spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa and let go to the park or a movie or something like that. They see more as a parent that is teaching them the way to live there life. Like I am the one that potty trained my grandson and how to eat right at the table, how to say there prayers and that they need to do chores to keep things clean. This is suppose to be the fun time with them!
And the other dilemma is I may have to quit so I can start working again. My daughter is going freak if I do quit and I am not sure she can keep her job if I do! But I need to start bring some extra money in to the house as my medical gets more costly. I like the time with the kids but also at time I am feeling that I need to be Grandma more and babysitter less. I am not sure what to do and how to handle it. Not to mention I have watched them since the day they were born and how they will feel about me not doing it.
Help with lots of prayers so I know what to do!
And the other dilemma is I may have to quit so I can start working again. My daughter is going freak if I do quit and I am not sure she can keep her job if I do! But I need to start bring some extra money in to the house as my medical gets more costly. I like the time with the kids but also at time I am feeling that I need to be Grandma more and babysitter less. I am not sure what to do and how to handle it. Not to mention I have watched them since the day they were born and how they will feel about me not doing it.
Help with lots of prayers so I know what to do!